Committee Membership

WJCTC Policy Committee:

Sarah V. C. Pierce, Mayor, City of Watertown

Eric Wagenaar, City Manager, City of Watertown

Ryan Piche, County Administrator, Jefferson County

John D. Peck, Board of Legislators Representative, Jefferson County

Robert A. Haynes, P.E., Regional Director, Region 7, NYSDOT (representing the NYSDOT Commissioner)

Kristopher Reff, Planning and Program Manager, Region 7, NYSDOT (MPO Director)

Jarrod Radley, Local Stakeholder Representative, Region 7 Staff, NYSDOT


Highway Technical Committee:

Brian MacCue, Superintendent of Public Works, City of Watertown

James Lawrence, County Highway Superintendent, Jefferson County

Barbara Cadwell, Region 7 Staff, NYSDOT


Transit Technical Committee:

Kyle Meehan, Transit Director, City of Watertown

Sara Freda, Community Development Coordinator, Jefferson County

Barbara Cadwell, Region 7 Transit Coordinator, NYSDOT

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